Don’t Block the Counter Crew! A Guide to Appliance Delivery During Kitchen Renovation

Group 8
During Kitchen Renovation
Ever wondered “when do appliances get installed in kitchen remodel?”. However, do not let the fun overshadow the need for a good schedule. Kitchen remodeling services have many factors, including coordinating delivery and installation of appliances is important. Any delay can often set you back, especially if it interferes with the renovation crew’s schedule. Here is a guide to appliance delivery during kitchen renovation.

Planning for Success

Appliance delivery should not be a reason to give up on your kitchen renovation ideas. Here’s how to plan for success;

When do Appliances get Installed in Kitchen Remodel

The best way to ensure that there are no delays in the delivery of appliances is to ensure that there is good communication with the crew. First, being as open as possible with your contractor is crucial. Explain the time required to deliver the appliances and install them. However, some stores may take up to weeks to open. Do not leave out any aspect of your new appliances, including dimensions, weights, and special requirements. This intel enables your contractor to design the kitchen appliances in a way that will fit your dream kitchen perfectly.

Coordinate with the appliance store

Always communicate with your appliance store. Coordinating delivery to complement the appliance installation timetable. Ask them about your renovation time frame and how flexible they are with the schedule. Some stores may allow you to store or hold your appliances for a certain period of time until the contractor allows you to use them. So, always ensure you are on the same page with your contractor, and the appliance store for the best kitchen remodel symphony.

Prepare your kitchen

Even though your kitchen may look like a construction site during renovations, there are things you can do to make appliance delivery easier. Picture a clear way for the large appliance to move, specifically the fridge. Avoiding obstacles such as tripping hazards or toolboxes in the way. Likewise, a clean environment for the installers is also important to ensure they do their work well. Imaging swept floors, counters wiped clean, and convenient access to plumbing and electrical fixtures. Before the delivery, a little planning will help avoid many problems and ensure that all the appliances will fit perfectly into your soon-to-be-gorgeous kitchen.

Alternative solution

It is tough to schedule because obstacles can appear at any time. Here are a few options if scheduling appliance delivery with kitchen renovation is difficult. This may mean installing a more affordable material, such as laminate until you can get the desired appliances. Can the appliances be delivered to a specific area of your house, such as the garage, and stored until the counter crew signals to bring it out? It will be a delicate operation later on, but it can help you gain more time to schedule the rest of the events.

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Tennessee Designs Kitchen & Bath Remodelers is an excellent choice for homeowners looking for remodeling or contractors in their area. Contact Tennessee Designs Kitchen & Bath Remodelers now to schedule a free consultation. So, what are you waiting for?

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