Everything You Need To Know About Medicare And Bathroom Remodels

Group 8
There are many reasons why you might want to make bathroom remodeling. You might have a wheelchair that makes it difficult to navigate your current bathroom. You also might have difficulty standing in the shower or need more user-friendly fixtures.

Whatever the circumstance, if you’re getting a remodel, you probably want to know if there’s any assistance you can get. It’s a medically necessary change, after all. Today, we’re looking at bathroom modifications and whether Medicare will cover some of the cost of making your bathroom more accessible.

What Is Medicare?

Medicare is a U.S. government health insurance program that primarily covers people age 65 or older but can cover younger individuals with certain illnesses or medical conditions. Medicare covers particular healthcare services. Some services covered by Medicare require Medicare enrollees to share the costs. While this arrangement can offer participants more healthcare options and lower costs, it can also create more complexity when seeking services.

Does Medicare Cover Bathroom Remodeling?

Medicare does not cover remodeling projects. However, short-term loans are also available to seniors to help fund home improvement projects like bathroom remodels.

Does Medicare Pay For A Shower?

Medicare does not pay for showers.

Will Medicare Help Pay For Walk-In Showers/Tubs?

Even if a physician prescribes them, Medicare will not cover home items like tubs and showers. However, it may partially reimburse the cost in some circumstances.

Does Medicare Cover Raised Toilet Seats?

Medicare considers raised toilet seats convenience items, even if a doctor prescribes them. Some Medicare Advantage (MA) plans will cover these, though, so it’s important to review your plan specifics.

Does Medicare Pay For Grab Bars?

Medicare typically does not pay for grab bars, although some MA plans might.

Does Medicare Pay For Shower Chairs?

Shower chairs are usually not covered by Medicare. However, some Medicare Advantage plans may not be available, so always review your plan information.

How Can Medicare Help?

Your Medicare coverage may help you pay for devices that keep you safe at home. Medicare Part B can help pay for medical equipment you need at home. If your doctor says you need it, Medicare might cover the cost, and it must meet the specific criteria, including:

● It has an expected lifetime of at least three years
● Must be durable
● It is used only for a medical reason

Trust Tennessee Designs Kitchen & Bath Remodelers For Your Remodeling Process

Do you want a seamless remodeling process? If yes, then contact Tennessee Designs Kitchen & Bath Remodelers. We will certainly ensure that you have the best experience remodeling your bathroom. Therefore, you should schedule a free consultation with us to discuss your bathroom remodeling needs and explore Medicare coverage options.
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